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Diabetes In Adults


Whatever type of diabetes you have, managing your diabetes can be challenging.  Mixed messages regarding what to eat and what not to eat can be confusing. It is important to understand that different dietary approaches suit different people.

In Somerset we have MyWay Diabetes Somerset website to help people to self manage their diabetes.

This site provides;

  • Up to date evidence based information
  • Access to self directed online structured education courses
  • Access to your diabetes related health records

Please access the website for instructions on how to register. Although MyWay Diabetes Somerset is for people registered with a Somerset GP, those outside of Somerset may still find the information helpful.

Diabetes Specialist Nurses say:

“We have had very positive feedback from people with diabetes who have used the MyWay Diabetes Somerset website.”

Diabetes help during COVID-19 outbreak

Given the current COVID situation, a lot of people with diabetes will be isolated at home and may not be able to access their usual health care support or attend face to face education. Patients can access over 200 educational resources and full QISMET accredited online structured education (for Type 2 diabetes, Type 1 diabetes, GDM and insulin pumps) through the MyWay Diabetes Somerset website.

The MyWay Diabetes Somerset website also has advice specific to COVID which we will continue to update and links through to sick day rules.